Enable Twitter & Facebook URL on your ghost blog

Tonight, I just want to update my ghost blog and enable SSL

3 hours later I started writing this post ...

This blog is hosted on uberspace and since you don't have root permissions on the machine, you should sometimes make use of their really good wiki. If you also want to setup a ghost blog on uberspace, check it out here.

So yes, I just wanted to do the following

After the odyssey of manually updating an enabling SSL I realized the fields for Facebook and twitter in the author section.
Hey, that's nice, let's put a link to my twitter profile here ... save ... have a look at the authors page ... nothing.

The default casper theme does not include these two fields in any template, so you have to modify the theme a little bit. I came across this blog post here but it's unfortunately a little bit outdated.
First, if you also want the authors page also show the twitter and Facebook meta info, you have to modifying both, the post.hbs file and the author.hbs file.

In my case now, the link to my twitter profile endet up like this: https://thesmile.de/author/norbert/@TheSmile which of course doesn't work. Having a quick look into the documentation of ghost your can see that there are some more twitter and Facebook variables available.

Instead of writing

{{#if twitter}}<span class="author-link icon-twitter"><a href="{{twitter}}">Follow me on Twitter</a></span>{{/if}}

change it to:

{{#if twitter}}<span class="author-link icon-twitter"><a href="{{twitter_url}}">Follow me on Twitter</a></span>{{/if}}

(it's twitter_url instead of twitter for the href field)

Alright and good night.